Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Our brand new site!
Thanks for all your support, and see you on the new site!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
How to build a following...
Give people something they want/need. Find a niche that’s not being served, or that’s not being served well enough, and fill it. If people want and need what you’re offering, half the battle is won. What spurred me to start my Finance Coach group was coming across more and more people that were in a real financial pickle, or whose businesses were struggling. I knew then and there that people would take to a group where they were given free, practical financial and business advice…
Keep your promises. Following on from the first point, do what you said you were going to do. If you suddenly start going off on a tangent, people will quickly become disillusioned, and drop you like a rock. There’s nothing wrong with diversifying, but don’t stop doing what it was that attracted people to you in the first place…
Get the word out. When you’re first starting out, take ANY opportunity you have to tell others about what it is you’re doing. Put up flyers, email everyone on your contact list, mention it in the conversation at dinner parties, hand your business cards out to everyone you meet, etc. The hardest part is getting out there, so be prepared for the hard yards, and to do whatever it takes…
Engage your audience. Invite feedback, and respond to it. Join the conversation about your product. Don’t be afraid of criticism, or try and cover it up – people will pick up on this straight away, and you’ll lose the trust that you’ve built up with them…
Give regular updates. I was told that, for blogging in particular, the single-most important thing you can do is to do it to write regularly. This principle can extend out to the business world as well – keep in touch with your customers, send them news, forward them articles that might interest them. This jogs their memory about you, and keeps you close to top-of-mind…
Measure, measure, measure. There’s no point in trying to grow a group of readers or customers, if you’re not tracking how you’re doing. This could be any metric that applies (reader numbers, rate of growth, increases in sales, etc), but monitor it closely to help you keep track of what’s working and what’s not…
Be sincere. Come across in all of your communications as professional, but still human. Remember that your audience/customers are, ultimately, still people – so talk to them in their language every so often, if not all the time. Being sincere will also pay off big time when you make a mistake (and you probably will sometime) – your followers haven’t forgotten that you too are human, and will be much quicker to forgive you your trangressions…
Ask for referrals. Once you’ve built up a relationship with your followers or customers, leverage off of their networks. Ask them who else they know who would like your product; and ask them to invite their friends to give you a try…
Set goals, and then break them down into manageable parts. Don’t just have a vague idea of where you want to be – be specific about targets, what they look like, when they must be achieved by, who’s responsible for what. Then, once you have a goal in sight, break it down into smaller goals (or milestones) that need to be reached along the way. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed by the sheer size of your big goal, as you’ll be focused on the smaller, more realistic mini-goal…
Speak to people who’ve been there. Seek out those who have been successful in the area you want to get into, and ask what they did, and what lessons they learnt. You’d be surprised how happy most successful people are to give you advice. I was very fortunate to have the support of very experienced bloggers like Chris at Imod and the guys at Cherryflava – their encouragement and advice was priceless…
Remember your motivation. There will be times when you hit a stumbling block, come across a massive obstacle, or start to lose heart. When this happens, go back in your mind to what your motivation was for doing what you do, and bring that forward. There have been times when I just haven’t felt like writing anything, but I always remember that the point of the group was to help and inspire others to manage their finances and businesses better. That idea – that I was helping others in some small way – is what kept me going, even when I wasn’t feeling so hot about doing the work…
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 35

Finance tip: Transport
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 34
Consider fractional ownership. For those of you looking at spending some of your hard-earned money on a ‘leisure investment’ (think holiday house, boat, plane, jetski, etc.), consider going the fractional ownership route. This is where, instead of buying the object or property yourself, you pool up with a number of other interested buyers, and each pay a proportionate amount of the total. The idea is then to share the usage of what you have bought, based on calendar days or some other equitable formula. The reason that this form of ownership has gained in popularity in recent times, is that people are realising that they actually get better value for their money – they were never going to use the property or object all year in any case, so they may as well only pay for a smaller proportion of it, and let others use it when they’re not. This then ties up less of their precious capital (which they can then invest in other things), and they still get to enjoy the benefits of using what they have paid for. For even more convenience, the next level is to pay a small levy, and get a third party to administer and maintain the property or object for all the owners, freeing them up from the potentially time-consuming aspects of ongoing maintenance and trouble-shooting...
Business tip: Marketing/PR
Write for publications to increase your profile. If you’re looking for an avenue to increase your exposure to the public, or to a particular industry, consider writing articles/submissions for publications that your target market would read. Most editors are constantly on the lookout for content to fill their pages (if it’s relevant and of a high enough standard), and gratefully accept submissions from those interested in writing them. Writing like this has a number of benefits to your business: Generally, if you do submit an article, the editor will allow you to put in a short footnote, where you can mention your company and perhaps some contact details. Even if they are a bit restrictive on this aspect, they would at least attribute the submission to you and put your name on it – if people want to find out more, they could simply Google you. If you do this regularly over a period of time, you’ll start to build up a reputation of being an expert in your field, which will put you at top-of-mind when people are looking for more information on your particular product or service – leading to more contacts and sales leads...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 33
Insulate your roof. One of the simplest ways to save on your electricity and energy costs is to have your roof/ceiling insulated. Going into summer here in the Southern Hemisphere, it will help in keeping your house/office cool, and reduce your reliance on energy-chowing air conditioners. For our Northern Hemisphere readers, going into a cold winter, it will help to keep the warmth in your building and stop it from escaping out through the roof. This then has the benefit of reducing the need for heaters and thermostats to be left on non-stop. While you can obviously contact the experts to come in and do it for you, there are also cost-effective ways to do it yourself. Speak to your local handyman or hardware store about the best materials and layout for the job…
Business tip: Finances
Create a ‘slush fund’. This is one of the most prudent financial habits that a business can get into, yet so few actually follow the principle. Essentially, what it revolves around is taking a little bit off the top each and every month (this might be based on revenue, profit, or whatever), and putting it into a separate savings account. This slush fund then serves two purposes: The first of these is to provide an extra source of income, from the interest generated off of the capital in the account. This may only be a few extra bucks a month, but it may be enough to cover something small like your phone line rental or coffee/tea expenses (remember, every bit helps). The second purpose is to build up a buffer against bad times or unexpected expenses. From personal experience, I have done this with my limousine company. Every month, once I have run the income statement and calculated profit, I only pay out 90% of the profit. The extra 10% then forms part of the company’s slush fund. Over the years, following this principle strictly has produced the following result: If I were to turn off my phones today, and stop running the business in its entirety, I would still be able to pay salaries and overheads for a full six months. That’s right, six whole months! How long would you last?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 32

Finance tip: Income
House-sitting. With a nice break coming up shortly, I was reminded of how necessary a service that of house-sitting is – and how simple a source of extra income it can be as well! Almost everyone knows how it operates: When people go away on a trip, they generally want somebody to either stay in their property in their absence, or pop in on a regular basis just to keep an eye on the place. As almost all home-owners do go away at some point or another, there’s a huge market for the service. The traits you would need most are those of trustworthiness and responsibility – you are, after all, looking after what is often someone’s most prized possession. The income side of it can vary, but as a rule you can make a nice chunk of extra cash for doing very little – especially if you get asked to do long-term stays. Looking after bigger properties with gardens would generally allow you to demand a higher fee, as would having to look after pets as part of the job. Finding work would generally come from word-of-mouth (good house-sitters come very highly recommended), but you could also look at doing mail-drops in your area, or putting an ad in your local newspaper – especially as you get closer to common holiday times…
Business tip: Pricing
Offer a ‘hail-mary’ choice. If you’ve been battling to sell one of your products or services, which falls at the top end of your quoted price range, consider putting in an even more expensive one to boost your sales. While this may seem ludicrous at first, just follow the logic for a second: Say, for example, that you run a restaurant, but have been struggling to sell your most expensive dish, which goes for a hundred bucks. This dish is a high-margin offering, and increasing the number of ‘units’ sold would do wonders for your business. The problem comes in where customers want to buy it (as it’s a wonderful dish) but they’re uncomfortable doing so as it’s the most expensive item on the menu, and they feel that it comes across as excessive and unjustifiable. Adding another, even more extravagant dish at, say, two hundred bucks, could be just the solution to increasing the number of people opting for the first dish, being the one you actually want to sell. This is because, you see, the first dish is not perceived as extreme and excessive, as that mantle now falls on the new dish. The result is that more people will feel comfortable opting for the first dish, and you then have your desired increase in sales. The beauty of doing this is that, if someone does actually go for the new, extravagant option (a.k.a. the ‘hail-mary’ choice) then you’re smiling anyway, as you get a big sale from an expensive offering!
Trend: The return of pyjamas...
I came across an interesting article the other day, mentioning a trend which has been picked up across the globe over the last 18 months. The article started by saying how many clothing retailers have had a torrid time of late, thanks to the economic crisis, but there seems to be one department which is bucking the trend: sleepwear.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 31

Finance tip: Entertainment
Restaurant specials. If you’re fond of eating out, but find the expense of it killing your budget, make sure to take advantage of restaurant special offers. Many restaurants are struggling at the moment, and have introduced these offers to entice patrons to their establishments. If you’re determined to get good value for money, consider going out for a meal between Monday and Thursday – many restaurants have reduced prices or freebies thrown in on these days, as it’s not their peak time, and they’re just happy to have feet through the door. Also keep an eye out for ‘early-bird’ specials, even over weekends. This is where the restaurant offers a significantly reduced price on meals served earlier in the evening (in by 6pm, out by 8pm, for example) – they are generally able to fit in another sitting afterwards, and are keen to get the extra revenue pumping through…
Business tip: Sales
Get your prospects to try out your product or service. If a potential customer has the opportunity to physically experience the product or service for themselves, they are up to 300% more likely to buy it. This is because they are able to experience first-hand the benefits or enjoyment of it, instead of having to theoretically conceptualise what it would be like. Why do you think car sales-people are so keen to get you in the driver’s seat? Similar psychology applies to promotions and give-aways. If you’re handing out freebies or product samples, try and get your promotions staff to open the packaging in front of the customer. If they take it home all still wrapped up in plastic, the chances of it never being opened and used increase exponentially. The same applies to Christmas presents!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 30

Finance tip: Savings
Friday, September 4, 2009
Nice international readership!
What’s even more exciting is the spread of countries that the readers have come from… Here’s the list, in order from most readers to the least:
1. South Africa (obviously, thanks guys!)
2. Japan
3. Indonesia
4. Ireland
5. Norway
6. United Kingdom
7. Poland
8. Brazil
9. USA
10. Singapore
That’s five out of seven continents represented – all I need to do is get a couple of Aussies and some polar scientists and I’m seven out of seven! You might notice that there’s also an above-average representation from Asian countries. That’s probably due to the holiday that I had over there earlier this year, and some networking I managed to get in with a few of the locals (as if I would actually ever just relax on a holiday!)…
Definitely puts a smile on my face :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Learn, learn, and learn some more…
I fully believe in the principle of continuous learning. This is where a person chooses to actively learn something that is not necessarily prescribed to them to do so by their boss, teacher, mentor, etc. They find something that interests them, or something that could help them in some way, and take the time and effort to study it – taking what they learn on board in their everyday lives.
- At age 16, while still in high school, I qualified as a cocktail bartender. Not even old enough to work behind the bar, on the surface I learnt how to combine flavours and alcohol to make a killer cocktail. Over and above that, though, I learnt about stock control, up-selling, reading patrons, crowd control, and the nightlife industry in general.
- After finishing high school, I did a degree in Accounting at university. Not only did this teach me about the technicality and processes of being a good accountant, but I also learnt about the different inter-dependent parts and functions of a business (like marketing, operations, staffing, cost control, growth) as well as the business world in general (finance, economics, statistics, valuations).
- Not content to just learn about business, I took French and Spanish as extra subjects while at university. I haven’t been able to use them as much as I’d like to have, but they’ve exposed me to the culture and lifestyle of these fascinating people (and never fail to impress women!).
- Also while at university, I passed the Estate Agents Board Exam, and became a certified estate agent. Again, this was about more than learning to sell houses – it taught me about the housing market cycles, property types, housing legislation, how home-owners can get caught out, how to nail down a bargain, developers methods, and much more.
- After finishing my undergraduate degree, I decided to take a year off from studying and focus on growing my limousine business. Two months out of university and the environment of learning, I started to get fidgety. So I registered to do a Paralegal Diploma through a private college. The course was part-time, so I was able to spend time on my business, and it really opened my eyes to the legal side of the world. I learnt about criminal law; civil law; what happens to your assets when you die; contract law; the legal system; and plenty more.
- Deciding that I needed a bit more than an undergraduate degree to pass muster in the cut-and-thrust corporate world, I then did my Honours degree in Taxation over the next two years. While this obviously taught me the nitty-gritty of our tax system, I also learnt about how to read and decipher legal judgements and legislation, as this was the essence of the course material. It was fantastic, as I went in a number-focused accountant, and came out thinking like a sharp-minded lawyer. Being extremely demanding, this course was also an exercise in time management – we were expected to put in a couple of hours of study every day, while we all had full-time jobs or businesses to run! It also made me raise my game in terms of the people I associated with – I was the youngest member of the class by a good few years, and it introduced me to a brilliant network of professionals and business owners.
- This year, I have just finished a certificate in Guest House Management (through www.getsmarter.co.za – a great learning provider, check them out). Well over and above what the title suggests, it has given me amazing insights into the travel and tourism industry in general, which will be priceless for the future!
And it doesn’t stop there! As I’m looking at opening a coaching and business advisory practice later this year, I’ve just started a life-coaching course. Not only will this give me the knowledge and tools to help others and run a successful practice, but I’m also applying the principles inwards, and learning an absolute ton about myself in the process.
Having read this, don’t feel that you have to run out there and sign up for your nearest university course, either. There are many other ways to broaden your mind: pick up a book or two on a topic that interests you; read a newspaper; follow blogs about your particular industry; ask questions of people you admire. There’s so much to learn out there, just pick a topic, and get going. One day you’ll look back, and be glad you did!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 28

Finance tip: Assets
Buy appreciating assets. Many of the more expensive, or big-ticket, items that we purchase lose their value over time. This is known as depreciation, and your car is generally a good example. Many people view their car as an asset, but fail to realize how much value it actually loses over time. As a general rule, a car will lose 20% of its value in a year (this number is higher for certain makes, and lower for others). A good financial habit, though – especially when buying big-ticket or luxury items – is to aim for assets that appreciate in value. Essentially, this means that you should aim to own assets that will increase in value over time. As this is not always possible, a close second is to have assets that at least hold their value well and do not depreciate much or at all. There are certain assets or luxury items that are generally regarded as having a good chance of holding or increasing in value: Boats; planes; art (especially if by a recognised artist); collectors items; antiques; etc. The application of this principle in everyday life would be when looking at buying a car, for example. If you are simply needing a vehicle as a run-around, rather look at one that has lost most of its value already – it’s value should remain fairly static, and you will not lose much when it comes time to sell it on. If you are looking at buying a vehicle as a reward for years of hard work, though, consider looking at buying a classic car instead of a brand new one. You could find one going for a steal, spend a little restoring it, and then be the proud owner of a collectors item that’s in hot demand, and appreciates in value every year. Or if you’re doing some re-decorating at home, rather than wasting money on decorative knick-knacks, look at buying a few choice pieces of art by up-and-coming artists. If the artist is only just starting out, you could get them for almost nothing and, if they start to grow a following in the art community, you could have your hands on some valuable pieces in a few year’s time…
Business tip: Staff
This week’s Finance Tip was a bit lengthy, so I’ll keep this one short! Think carefully about how you refer to your employees. When you’re talking to people about your business, how you refer to your employees can make a big difference. Using the word ‘employees’ can give the impression that you are somewhat autocratic or condescending. Rather use words such as ‘colleagues’ or ‘associates’. These are both fair reflections of your relationships with your staff, and shows that you value and appreciate their contributions to the business…
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 27

Finance tip: Debt
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Making money at the movies...

I recently saw a small article on our local newspaper, about a website called RunPee. Essentially, what the site revolves around is providing information about the best time to go run and pee during a movie at the cinema, to ensure that you miss as little as possible of the film. I think it's great, cos we all tend to overdo it on the Coke at the movies, don't we? And then not only do you miss some of the film, but you've gotta bug the people you're with, to find out what you missed! Check the site out at www.runpee.com...
Seeing this, though, triggered thoughts about the cinema business in general. A cinema's business model is an interesting one: They don't make a lot of money off of the actual ticket sales - most of their profit comes from selling you snacks and drinks at huge margins. As many big cinema chains have been struggling somewhat recently (with the advent of everybody just downloading the movie, or copying it from friends), they've been looking for other ways to boost their profits.
Apparently one of the front-running ideas is to bring back intervals for every movie, and not just the 3-hour epics. The rationale behind this is that it then gives them a second shot to sell you something to chow on, over and above the pre-movie rush. Just think about it: How many times have you been running late, and skipped the popcorn to catch the start of the movie? I know I have, plenty of times!
The last movie with an interval that I saw was Titanic, waaaaay back in the day. Now it makes sense why it was given such a long run (here in SA, it probably stayed on the circuit three times as long as any other movie) - not only would youngsters come and watch it again and again, but they'd have two lots of snack-buying in one movie!
And, out of interest, when I say big profit margins on snacks, I mean beeeeeeeeg margins. Apparently, in some cinema chains around the world, the margin on popcorn is 1000 percent - now that's what I call profit!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 26

Finance tip: Income
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 25

Finance tip: Household
Spread out your washing. Whenever you are doing laundry, or if you use a dishwasher, rather wait to have a full load before turning on the machine (not that you need an excuse to put your chores off!). Using the washing machine or dishwasher uses up quite a fair amount of water and electricity, so having less than a full load at a time is a waste of both. Using your dishwasher to do a lot of dishes, though, is actually a smarter choice than washing them by hand. Hand-washing is inefficient for anything more than a small amount of dishes, as there is a lot of water wasted in the process - so unless it’s only a couple of bits and pieces, rather wait till you can load it up into the dishwasher. Another way of saving energy on these machines is to refrain from using the hottest setting. Other than in exceptional cases, using a lower setting will give you the same result, and use a lot less electricity…
Business tip: Finance
Look to your friends and family first for financing. Small businesses generally need to raise less money than larger ones for start-up or bridging purposes. So if you’re looking at raising finance for your small business, and you’ve exhausted your personal resources, consider approaching your friends and family first for the extra that you need. But don’t go cap in hand; make it a business proposition for them, and treat them in substantially the same way as you would a bank or financing institution. (1) Show them your business plan: It may not be as professionally presented as if you were approaching a bank, but it shows them that you’ve done your research. (2) Show them your passion: Tell them from the heart why it is that you want do what you want to do, and how passionate you are about the idea – this is a lot easier with people you know and love than it is with a bunch of suits from your bank. (3) Make it worth their while: There is generally a broad band of interest rates between what they could make on their savings and what you could get finance at (lending institutions see small businesses as risky, and aren’t afraid to charge the earth on the money they lend you). Offer to pay them at a rate somewhere in the middle – this way, they have the chance to make an increased return on their money, and you pay a lower rate of interest than you otherwise would. (4) Respect their investment: Realise that they have gone out on a limb for you, so make sure that you put every last ounce of energy into the business to make sure it works. And don’t even think about skipping payments – you wouldn’t dream of doing that to the bank, would you?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 24

Finance tip: Income
Monday, July 13, 2009
Day jobs are risky...
Most people have one job - they have a position where they work for one company, go to their office every day of the week, do their work, and get a paycheque once a month. And they probably feel quite safe and secure, looking at an entrepreneur like myself with a querying glance, maybe even a hint of fear. "You could lose it all", they say. "What if it all fell apart?", they ask. "Working for yourself is far too risky!", they cry. Au contraire, I reply...
You see, here's the thing. Working for myself, I decide how much I'm going to get paid. I pay myself when I want to. I don't have to go begging someone else if I need an advance, or if I need some time off - I just take it. Yes, I might make more in some months than in others, but the way I've structured my income, I get it from three or four different sources. You, miss scaredy-pants, only have one source of income. One. Think about that. If your boss suddenly decides "You know what, I don't think we actually need Sarah in accounts anymore, we need to cut back" BOOM!! SLASH!! You're gone. All of a sudden, you've got no income. Zero. And it happens all the time. Just ask around - I guarantee you know, or someone you know knows, someone who's lost their job in the last 12 months. Now that's risky...
Now, in my case, if I were to lose a client or, God forbid, some disaster were to happen to one of my companies, I'd be bleak, yes. But I'd still be in control of it - it wouldn't be the whim of some nameless suit in corporate cutting costs across the board. If one of my businesses failed, it would be because I'd let it happen (or some freak Act of God occured, but let's not go there!). And even if one of my businesses did go under, I'd still have another two or three sources of income. So I wouldn't go from working to destitute overnight (and I know that I'd claw my way back!). I'd be relatively covered and still working - I'd still be able to pay the bills and live my life.
The second scenario above seems a lot less risky now, doesn't it? I guess I'll just never understand how people could put their entire lives in the hands of one company or one boss. It just boggles the mind. But hey, if they think it's the safe option, then who am I to judge?
Finance Coach - Vol. 23

Finance tip: Food
Meal-sharing at the office. With most people eating lunch at work,there's a great opportunity to save some serious money by organising to split the cost of your meals between you and your colleagues. You could either pool your money and buy your meals in bulk, or alternate days on which one of you cooks for the group. You never know, if you really enjoy cooking, it could even turn into a chance to cook for your colleagues on a regular basis, and make some extra money on the side!
Business tip: Sales
Incentivise your staff to increase sales and profit. While this may seem obvious to those who have sales staff working on commission, there are other ways to implement this across all staff. One way could be to offer commission to non-sales staff if they bring in business (you'd be surprised how many contacts your other staff will suddenly have when they know there's money in it for them!). Another plan could be to set aside a percentage of profit, to be distributed amongst the staff on a monthy or quarterly basis. This will not only serve as an incentive for everyone to pull together to drive sales and revenue, but could also result in some innovative cost-saving ideas which, until now, your staff had never thought of mentioning...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 22

Finance tip: Debt
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 21

Finance tip: Transport
Driving style. There are certain things that you do while driving that may be contributing to you using more fuel than needed. One to watch is driving for too long in too low a gear. The higher the revs that your engine operates at, the more fuel it uses. To be efficient, change up to a higher gear as soon as possible, without putting your engine under pressure (you’ll know you are if it starts to chug and jerk). Having said that, you should also be wary of trying to accelerate too much once in a higher gear. If you’re in a high gear (say, fifth gear), and need to climb a hill or overtake someone, it’s more fuel-efficient to quickly change down a gear or two, pass the other person or climb the hill, and then change back up into the higher gear. If you try to do it in the higher gear, you need to depress your accelerator pedal harder (to get the acceleration), which shoots up your fuel consumption. Generally, don’t put more pressure or weight on the accelerator pedal than is absolutely necessary to maintain your desired speed. Try lifting your foot just a millimetre or two once you’re at your travelling speed – you’ll stay at that speed, and I guarantee that you’ll use less fuel…
Business tip: Appearance
Make a strong first impression. When meeting people for the first time, they are likely to form an opinion of you within the first seven seconds. It sounds simplistic, but keep the following in mind when meeting someone for the first time (and this applies both in and out of business situations): Be dressed appropriately – if you’re meeting a supplier to negotiate prices, don’t pitch up in shorts. As you approach the other person, make sure that you’re standing up straight, and not slouching or looking at the floor. Make eye contact, and keep your voice firm and level as you introduce yourself – you’ll come across as more confident. Be sure to give a firm handshake, but don’t overdo it – if you try and crush their hand in yours, you’ll come across as domineering, and their guard will go up immediately. If you’re a man shaking a woman’s hand, and don’t know how hard to do so, let her initiate the ‘squeeze’, and respond at exactly the same pressure. And don’t forget to smile – you’ll subconsciously relax yourself and release any tension you may be holding in your face, while also putting the other person more at ease…
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Finance Coach - Vol. 20

Finance tip: Entertainment
Monday, June 8, 2009
Breaking down a break-down...
Last week, while driving to and from the office, I couldn’t help but notice the amount of vehicles that had broken down on the side of the road. Now, there would usually be one or two that I would see in a day’s return trip, but last week it must have averaged 7-8 vehicles a day! While most people would only see the inconvenience caused as the traffic slows up, I couldn’t help but try and see what the contributing factors would be…