Finance tip: Transport
Driving style. There are certain things that you do while driving that may be contributing to you using more fuel than needed. One to watch is driving for too long in too low a gear. The higher the revs that your engine operates at, the more fuel it uses. To be efficient, change up to a higher gear as soon as possible, without putting your engine under pressure (you’ll know you are if it starts to chug and jerk). Having said that, you should also be wary of trying to accelerate too much once in a higher gear. If you’re in a high gear (say, fifth gear), and need to climb a hill or overtake someone, it’s more fuel-efficient to quickly change down a gear or two, pass the other person or climb the hill, and then change back up into the higher gear. If you try to do it in the higher gear, you need to depress your accelerator pedal harder (to get the acceleration), which shoots up your fuel consumption. Generally, don’t put more pressure or weight on the accelerator pedal than is absolutely necessary to maintain your desired speed. Try lifting your foot just a millimetre or two once you’re at your travelling speed – you’ll stay at that speed, and I guarantee that you’ll use less fuel…
Business tip: Appearance
Make a strong first impression. When meeting people for the first time, they are likely to form an opinion of you within the first seven seconds. It sounds simplistic, but keep the following in mind when meeting someone for the first time (and this applies both in and out of business situations): Be dressed appropriately – if you’re meeting a supplier to negotiate prices, don’t pitch up in shorts. As you approach the other person, make sure that you’re standing up straight, and not slouching or looking at the floor. Make eye contact, and keep your voice firm and level as you introduce yourself – you’ll come across as more confident. Be sure to give a firm handshake, but don’t overdo it – if you try and crush their hand in yours, you’ll come across as domineering, and their guard will go up immediately. If you’re a man shaking a woman’s hand, and don’t know how hard to do so, let her initiate the ‘squeeze’, and respond at exactly the same pressure. And don’t forget to smile – you’ll subconsciously relax yourself and release any tension you may be holding in your face, while also putting the other person more at ease…