Finance tip: Insurance
Consider paying your insurance upfront. Most people are under the impression that you can only pay your insurance monthly. What they don't realise is that you actually have the option of paying upfront for the year, it's just not that well communicated by the brokers/insurers. When you choose to pay monthly, most insurance companies charge a built-in interest charge into your premiums - anywhere from 8-20%. So you actually pay for the privilege of paying monthly! Check with your broker or direct insurer, and if this is the case, weigh up the option of paying upfront for the year. Yes, your cashflow will initially be affected (this is what the insurers bank on), but you'll be paying a pretty fair amount less for your cover. If you've got some cash tucked away, and you're earning less in interest from it than you'd save, it's the smart thing to do!
Business tip: Marketing
Carry your business cards everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. The thing about networking is that you never know when you might meet someone who could bring something positive to your business. How many times have you been out somewhere, and thought "This person would be great to chat to again, if only I had my cards on me"? The proactive among you would have at least scribbled your name on some scrap paper, but having your cards ready at all times is much more professional. And hand them out liberally - that guy you chat to at the coffee shop might seem like a nobody, but he could have some serious connections. The point is, you never know, so always be prepared. Invest in a little card-holder that you can take everywhere and anywhere, and make sure it's the first thing that goes in your briefcase/luggage/suit pocket/jeans/gym bag...
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