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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Most dangerous things to eat/drink while driving

Apparently, an major insurance company has published a study of the most dangerous things to eat and drink while driving - ie. things that are most likely to cause you to have a smash. These are the top 5, in reverse order:

5. Coffee - This is a pretty obvious one. It's damn easy to spill (even if it's in a flask), and if you do spill it, it's likely to burn your chest/stomach/crotch one-time, causing you to swerve like a drunk judge.
4. Soup - Seriously, people eat soup while driving? Why not rice with chopsticks while you're at it? Apparently, according to the report, the major problem comes in when people try to change gears while holding the soup container.
3. Fried chicken - This told me it was an American study. The issue here is that the inherently oily nature of fried chicken means that your hands are oily, and this is then transferred to the steering wheel, which then makes you slide all over the road and mung into walls/trucks/large women (probably like a drunk judge). I can't personally imagine eating KFC while driving, but hey, pass the corn-bread...
2. Soft drinks - I thought this would've been number one, as it logically seems to be the biggest culprit. People think it's easy to hold a can or bottle while steering, but negate to take into account that it tilts when you turn the steering wheel (and we all know that no car maker makes cup holders that actually HOLDS cups). Results in you sitting in a nice puddle, which is difficult to explain to your boss/client/spouse. So you try and dab it up, take your eyes off the road, and end up through some little old lady's vibracrete wall...
1. Chocolate - Surprising winner. Must be because people think that you can't possibly go wrong with eating a chocolate bar - it's small and doesn't leak. Well, they're wrong. We all know that that one piece of warm, soft chocolate will fall onto your clean white shirt, or your neat, pressed pants, and you'll feel that your clothes are ruined. So, you'll try valiantly to scrub at it (only making it worse), take your eyes off the road for a second too long, and... whammy!


  1. interesting stuff I would have expected booze to be no1

  2. Funny I would have expected booze to be no1, all that waste of billboard adverts


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